POSITIVE HOME-BIRTH | Natural, Surprise Gender, Second baby

POSITIVE HOME-BIRTH | Natural, Surprise Gender, Second baby

My Natural Home Birth Story | Unmedicated Home Water Birth + Pregnancy Announcement Reactions + Surprise Gender Reveal at Birth Welcome to the most powerful yet vulnerable video I’ve ever shared - the story of our second baby’s birth, a natural and unmedicated home birth. From the moment I found out I was pregnant to laboring in our home and finally meeting baby Scottie, this is our journey. I’m also sharing the sweet moment I told my husband Colt and our families over FaceTime - their reactions still make me emotional. I also must mention the family we visited in Arizona. It was so special to find this out together with them. So thank you Nicki for always being there for me and my family. We love you! Whether you’re planning a home-birth, curious about unmedicated labor, or just love birth stories, I hope this video finds you and inspires you. Reminds you how strong and capable us women are. Timestamps 0:00 Intro to MPD 0:18 finding out I was pregnant 0:37 Della’s reaction 1:21 Colt’s reaction 1:54 In-law’s reaction 2:20 My mom’s reaction 2:44 My sister’s reaction 3:39 My baby brother’s reaction 4:21 Why a home-birth? 4:42 What was pregnancy #2 like? 6:56 The birth of Scottie 12:36 Thank you! Resources I loved • “The Birth Partner” by Penny Simkin • Home birth supplies (checklist video coming soon) • my midwife: Angela Guerts • my doula: Elan Eddington Let’s connect Instagram @maliar18 TikTok @maliar18 Postpartum must haves ✨ https://liketk.it/4SXTd Dont forget to LIKE 👍🏽 COMMENT 💬 & SUBSCRIBE 💁🏽‍♀️ Follow along for more real motherhood, birth, and family life content! #homestead #baby #family #postpartum #homebirth #naturalbirth #birthstories #birthstory #unmedicatedbirth #pregnancyjourney #pregnancyannouncement #motherhood #motherhoodjourney Title: What The World Needs You To Be (Instrumental) Artist: Makana Link: https://www.facebook.com/sound/collec...