23 OP Shield Fusions You MUST Try In Tears Of The Kingdom!

23 OP Shield Fusions You MUST Try In Tears Of The Kingdom!

OP Shield Fusions You Need To TRY in Tears of the Kingdom. We go over Cannon, Rockets, Beam Emitters, and More OP attachments to Shields in TOTK ___________________________________________________________________________ Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Playlist:    • Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Guides | ...   __________________________________________________________________________________ ★Join The Community★ 📺 SUBSCRIBE to my channel:    / phillybeatzu   🐥 TWITTER:   / phillybeatzu   📱 TIKTOK:   / phillybeatzu   ⚽DISCORD :   / discord   📷 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/phillybeatz... 👥 FACEBOOK:   / phillybeatzu   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Zelda #ZeldaTearsOfTheKingdom #ZeldaTOTK