BLESSINGS!  PRAY TO GOD EVERY NIGHT. Pray for a good night's sleep.

BLESSINGS! PRAY TO GOD EVERY NIGHT. Pray for a good night's sleep.

Hello everyone, welcome to Eternal Faith Jesus channel. Please join me in sending God your daily prayers. Relax your mind and miracles will come to you! Imagine this! If a prayer could change your life forever! You can unlock a peace that passes all understanding to find the answers to Life's deepest questions. And draw closer to God in ways you never thought possible, maybe this is not just wishful thinking but a divine promise inviting to experience the full power of God at work in you today. πŸ™ I want to show you how praying in the Holy Spirit can become the turning point you've been looking for. The breakthrough your heart has been aiming for. πŸ™ With today's prayer Eternal Faith Jesus brings you messages and Power from God. πŸ™ This article is a heartfelt message and prayer intended to help believers find peace and rest in God's presence before you go to sleep. And there are acknowledgments that the night can be filled with anxiety, restless thoughts, and worries about the future, but at the same time affirmations that you are not aloneβ€”God is always there, and offers spiritual protection and peace. πŸ™ The article encourages you to share all your burdens with God, drawing on Scripture, such as Psalm 91, Proverbs 3:24, and Matthew 6:34, to emphasize His promises of safety, rest, and provision. Through prayer, believers are invited to abandon fear, anxiety, and doubt, and instead place their full trust in God's faithfulness. The prayer asks God's angels to protect the home, family, and loved ones, ensuring that no disaster is near. It also seeks physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery, asking God for new strength and spiritual healing. πŸ™ The message ends with professions of faith, encouraging believers to let go of worries about tomorrow and be at peace in God's protection. The prayer ends with gratitude for God's love and protection, and affirms that nothing can separate His children from His presence. Amen πŸ™ If you find the Eternal Faith Jesus sharing useful things, please subscribe and share with others to spread God's love and power. 🌞 #EternalFaithJesus #NightPrayer #PeaceInGod #TrustInGod #FaithOverFear #GodsProtection #Psalm91 #ChristianEncouragement #PrayerBeforeSleep #RestInGod #SpiritualStrength