Year Round Gardening Workshop 2022 - When to plant your Fall and Winter Crops

Year Round Gardening Workshop 2022 - When to plant your Fall and Winter Crops

You can get the free workbook here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign up for tomorrow's drawing and workshop here: Today's workshop will be the first in a series of three that I have scheduled for this week. Today we will be talking about the 6 base crops everyone should be planting for fall and winter gardens. This week's schedule is as follows: July 12, 2022 - 2:00 pm Mountain - 6 base crops for fall and winter gardening July 13, 2022 - 2:00 pm Mountain - Choosing the right planting time July 14, 2022 - 2:00 pm Mountain - Protecting your crops in winter I’m sure you are wondering why we would be talking about fall and winter gardening in JULY. The reason why is many of you who want to grow spinach over the fall and winter need to get it planted as early as August 1st! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today’s workshop is part of our Year-Round Gardening Master Class series. The regular price for the course is $69.00 🎁Workshop Special Offer🎈 The Year-Round Gardening Master Course will be on sale starting July 5, 2022 to July 15, 2022. Because you watched this workshop I'm offering $10 off the regular price. Use the coupon below starting July 5th. Here’s the link: ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the Gardening Academy: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to our sponsors: Honest Seed Co: Smart Pots: MORE ABOUT US ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, I'm Rick Stone from the website At Stoney Acres, we are all about teaching you to grow your own food in a backyard garden. We offer a website with over 250 gardening related articles and recipes, this YouTube channel, A great Facebook group and a ton of both free and paid gardening how-to video courses on our sister site, Would you like more of Our Stoney Acres? Instagram:   / ourstoneyac.  . Facebook:   / ourstoneyacres   Pinterest:   / stoneyacres   More Great Gardening Tips on our website: