The Gospel in Me | Romans 1:16 - RAIC
Sunday Filipino Worship (March 09, 2025) Title: The Gospel in me. Scripture: Romans 1:16 Messenger: Ptr. Jojo Ogacho Intro: People completely misunderstood the Christian walk of faith, and failing in the Christian walk of faith will lead to great worldly religions that focus on the physical practices of religion, which are legalism, humanism, and mysticism. We must have the correct understanding of faith. Romans 10:17 Faith is something that belongs to God and was given through the words of Christ. • What is the greatest problem of unbelievers? 2 Corinthians 4:4 Being blinded not to see Christ. • What are the lackings of believers? Hosea 4:6 Ignorance in God's things: not seeing the things of God and not seeing what God wants us to see. Main: 1. Cross Message 1 Corinthians 1:18 The message of salvation 2. Fix your eyes to Jesus Hebrews 12:2 He is the author and perfecter of faith 3. Fix your eyes on what is eternal 2 Corinthians 4:18 Heavenly realms Conclusion: Enjoy the complete Gospel brought by Jesus Christ. #RAIC #remnantangelesimmanuelchurch #sundayworship #pulpitmessage #그리스도 #세계복음화 #WorldEvangelization