Class 8th, chapter-11, Direct and inverse proportion, exercise 11.1 / Q.8 by #shikshaboard
Class 8th, chapter-11, Direct and inverse proportion, exercise 11.1 / Q.8 by #shikshaboard class 8th, chapter-11, Direct and inverse proportion - introduction by #shikshaboard class 8th, chapter-11, direct and inverse proportion - introduction exercise 11.1, introduction and question no.8, all parts solved. concept clear video. #shikshaboard by Deepak sir Q8 : Rashmi has a road map with a scale of 1 cm representing 18 km. She drives on a road for 72 km. What would be her distance covered in the map? Learn about direct and inverse proportion in math with this comprehensive guide! In this video, we'll explore the concept of direct proportion, where one quantity increases or decreases in direct relation to another quantity. We'll also delve into inverse proportion, where one quantity increases as another quantity decreases, and vice versa. Understand the difference between direct and inverse proportion with real-life examples and practice problems to help you master these essential math concepts. Whether you're a student or a teacher, this video is perfect for anyone looking to improve their understanding of proportion in math. direct proportion, inverse proportion, math concepts, math tutorial, mathematics, proportional relationship, ratios, algebra, teaching math, educational videos, math for beginners, math explained, math lessons, direct and inverse variation, math skills, problem solving, math help, math basics, learning math, proportional reasoning. 8th grade math, proportions, mastering proportions, math made easy, middle school math, ratio and proportion, math tutorial, math tips, algebra, learning proportions, educational video, math concepts, proportion problems, math help, online learning, study tips, math techniques, math for kids, proportion examples, easy math Q8 : Rashmi has a road map with a scale of 1 cm representing 18 km. She drives on a road for 72 km. What would be her distance covered in the map?