2/6 | Romans 8:16-18 | dbDevotional

2/6 | Romans 8:16-18 | dbDevotional

Hi there! Happy Thursday, my name is Jayse Meyer, I am the Youth Pastor here at Desert Breeze, and I will be leading you through today's DB Devotional. For our devotional we will be continuing to read Paul’s letter to the Romans, discussing the Spirit-filled life, but first we’re going to take a minute of silence for prayer. Take this moment to calm down, remove, just for a second, the distractions of the day, and connect with God. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through this passage, ask Him to lead you, ask Him to give you something to take with you for the rest of the day. Let’s do that now. Let’s begin our devotional. First, we are going to read the Scripture, listen, and if you have a Bible with you feel free to read along. Romans 8:16-18 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Now, we are going to move to reflection. We will re-read the same passage, but this time taking mental notes of anything that stands out to you. If you have a Bible with you, read along once again, and highlight those things. After the reading take a moment to ponder why those things stood out to you. Ask questions. Meditate. Let’s read. Perfect, we are now going to move to response. We will re-read the passage for a third time; focus on those words or phrases that stood out to you. When this is finished go to God in prayer. Talk to Him about these words or phrases. Ask Him how you can apply these things to your day. Let’s read. Good, now we are going to move to the final part of our devotional: rest. We will re-read the passage one final time. When we finish, use the silence to rest with God. Take what God has spoken to you through this Scripture, and pray it back to God. Let’s read one more time.