31 Aug 2020, 7.30 PM, ജപമാല, Live, Rosary, Evening Prayer
31 Aug 2020, 7.30 PM, ജപമാല, Live, Rosary, Evening Prayer St.Mary's Church, Ramamurthy Nagar, Bangalore For Prayer Requests, Mass Intentions or Contributions, contact on (Voice & Whatsapp) 9108771094 Daily Holy Mass and Adoration available on our YouTube channel. Holy Mass Service Sunday-7.30 AM, Monday-Saturday-7.00 AM and Adoration Daily 7 PM. Kindly subscribe our channel and Pray together. Subscribe Our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/SMCBangalor... Like and share YouTube Channel / smcbangalore Website: http://www.stmaryschurchvc.org/ Facebook: / stmarys.church.7 #Live #Rosary #ജപമാല #തിരുഹൃദയ വണക്കമാസം