Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Remastered - Full Walkthrough [ALL SECRETS & ITEMS 100%]

Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Remastered - Full Walkthrough [ALL SECRETS & ITEMS 100%]

Tomb Raider 5 Chronicles Remastered - Full Walkthrough [ALL SECRETS & ITEMS 100%] by: β€ͺ@SakiCroft‬ Legend: Key Items πŸ”‘ Weapons πŸ”« Secrets✨ Artifcats πŸ—Ώ Levels πŸ”΄ 00:00 - πŸ”΄ Level 1 - Streets of Rome 09:34 - ✨ Secret 1 14:26 - πŸ”‘ Golden Key 1 15:54 - πŸ”‘ Garden Key 17:51 - πŸ”« Revolver 18:24 - πŸ”« LaserSight 18:35 - πŸ”‘ Garden Key 21:32 - πŸ”« LaserSight 25:18 - ✨ Secret 2 25:51 - ✨Secret 3 26:40 - πŸ”‘ Saturn Symbol 29:02 - πŸ”΄ Level 2 - Trajan's Markets 29:16 - πŸ”‘ Crowbar 29:38 -πŸ”« LaserSight 34:49 - ✨ Secret 4 35:26 - πŸ”‘ Golden Coin 37:19 - πŸ”‘ Mars Symbol 37:34 - ✨ Secret 5 38:35 - πŸ”‘ Valve Wheel 41:15 - πŸ”« Shotgun 43:10 - ✨ Secret 6 43:37 - πŸ”‘ Venus Symbol 48:01 - πŸ”΄ Level 3 - The Colosseum 48:34 - ✨ Secret 7 50:24 - πŸ”‘ Gemstone Piece 51:31 - πŸ”« Uzis 52:43 - πŸ”‘ Gemstone Piece 55:59 - ✨ Secret 8 57:48 - πŸ”‘ Colosseum Key 1 59:03 - πŸ”‘ Colosseum Key 2 59:49 - ✨ Secret 9 1:03:30 - πŸ”΄ Level 4 - The Base 1:04:39 - πŸ”‘ Silver Key 1:05:22 - πŸ”‘ Swipecard (dropped by the enemy) & Uzis (inside the locker) 1:06:31 - ✨ Secret 10 1:11:33 - ✨ Secret 11 1:12:12 - πŸ”‘ Silver Key (dropped by enemy) 1:14:33 - πŸ”« LaserSight 1:16:00 - ✨ Secret 12 1:16:54 - πŸ”« Desert Eagle 1:17:55 - πŸ”‘ A Fuse 1:20:22 - Level 5 - πŸ”΄ The Submarine 1:21:47 - πŸ”‘ Crowbar 1:23:01 - ✨ Secret 13 1:24:25 - πŸ”‘ Battery (-) 1:27:26 - πŸ”‘ Bronze Key (dropped by the enemy after cutscene) 1:27:56 - πŸ”‘ Silver Key 1:28:13 - πŸ”« Pistols 1:30:38 - ✨ Secret 14 1:31:33 - πŸ”‘ Battery (+) 1:33:48 - πŸ”« Shotgun (dropped by enemy) 1:34:19 - πŸ”‘ Aqualung 1:36:31 - πŸ”‘ Suit Console 1:34:03 - ✨ Secret 15 1:38:29 - πŸ”΄ evel 6 - Deepsea Dive 1:38:56 - ✨ Secret 16 1:40:57 - πŸ—Ώ The Spear of Destiny (acquired from the chest after custcene) 1:41:45 - πŸ”΄ Level 7 - Sinking Sub 1:45:43 - πŸ”« Uzis 1:46:40 - πŸ”‘ Siwpecard (dropped by enemy) 1:50:04 - πŸ”« Desert Eagle & πŸ”‘ Nitrogen Canister 1:52:03 - πŸ”‘ Silver Key (acquired after che cutscene) 1:53:18 - πŸ”‘ Oxygen Canister 1:54:31 - ✨ Secret 17 1:53:52 - ✨ Bronze Key (needed for unlocking Secret 18) 1:56:01 - ✨ Secret 18 2:02:25 - πŸ”΄ Level 8 - Gallows Tree 2:04:37 - ✨ Secret 19 2:09:07 - ✨ Secret 20 2:11:21 - πŸ”‘ Rubber Tube 2:12:27 - πŸ”‘ Pitchfork 2:13:22 - πŸ”‘ Iron Clapper 2:13:44 - πŸ”‘ Torch 2:15:11 - πŸ”‘ Heart 2:17:52 - ✨ Secret 21 2:21:12 - πŸ”΄ Level 9 - Labyrinth 2:23:11 - πŸ”‘ Bone Dust 2:24:56 - ✨ Secrete 22 (to unlock pull hidden lever 2:24:34) 2:26:44 - ✨ Secret 23 2:28:38 - πŸ”‘ Bestiary 2:29:45 - ✨ Secret 24 2:32:10 - πŸ”΄ Level 10 - Old Mill 2:35:16 - πŸ”‘ Torch 2:36:04 - ✨ Secret 25 2:38:23 - πŸ”‘ Crowbar 2:40:15 - πŸ”‘ Chalk 2:46:13 - πŸ”‘ Silver Coin 2:50:16 - ✨ Secret 27 2:51:00 - ✨ Secret 28 2:57:58 - πŸ”΄ Level 11 - 13th Floor 3:01:21 - πŸ”‘ Hammer 3:02:14 - ✨ Secret 29 3:07:27 - πŸ”‘ High Level Access Card 3:10:46 - πŸ”‘ Access Code Disc 3:12:07 - ✨ Secret 30 3:13:13 - πŸ”‘ Cloth 3:14:19 - πŸ”‘ Bottle of Chloroform 3:15:37 - πŸ”‘ Iris Lab Access 3:17:27 - ✨ Secret 31 3:18:10 - πŸ—Ώ Iris 3:18:24 - πŸ”΄ Level 12 - Escape with the Iris 3:21:07 - πŸ”‘ Bottle of Chloroform 3:21:34 - πŸ”‘ Cloth 3:23:19 - πŸ”‘ Restroom Access Card 3:31:30 - ✨ Secret 32 3:32:32 - ✨ Secret 33 3:34:21 - πŸ”‘ Teleporter Disc 3:39:28 - πŸ”΄ Level 13: Red Alert! 3:40:24 - ✨ Secret 34 3:45:23 - ✨ Secret 35 (to unlock you have to complete all the polygon shooting parts starting from 3:43:47) 3:45:38 - πŸ”« Grappling Gun 3:54:43 - πŸ”‘ Key Bit (Left) 3:58:28 - ✨ Secret 36 3:59:47 - πŸ”‘ Key Bit (Right) If you want you can support my channel doing: Donations: or doing the subs to the channel. If you sub to the channel your name will appear at the start of the video ❀️ #tombraiderchronicles #TR5 #TombRaider5 #TRLE #tombraiderremastered #laracroft #tombraider