Elden Ring: TOP 9 Fun & OP Builds 2024!
Hey all. These are my top 9 fun and powerful builds in Elden Ring that are all based on feedback and comments from fans of the channel! These have a wide variety of build choices, and hopefully give you a great time with some great damage too! Timestamps/Builds: Death Knight's Twin Axes Build 00:00 Erdsteel Dagger Build 01:36 Rapier Build 03:18 Freja's Bloodhound Build 05:02 Sunflower FTW Build 06:31 Heavy Thrusting Build 08:57 Bastard's Ghostflame Build 10:52 Warped Axe Build 12:54 Dismounter Build 15:04 Ending ❤️ 17:19 #eldenring #eldenringbuilds #gaming