Waking Up at 5AM with G.od Changed My Life as an Orthodox Jewish Woman | How I get Closer to G.od

Waking Up at 5AM with G.od Changed My Life as an Orthodox Jewish Woman | How I get Closer to G.od

⭕️ Waking Up at 5AM with God Changed My Life ⭕️ as an Orthodox Jewish Woman This is my 5 AM Morning Routine with G.od where i share all i do in my morning as an Orthodox Sephardic Jewish woman. As an added bonus, I also share with you 5 things i do and How we Connect with G.od as an Orthodox Jewish Women and how I get closer to G.od I hope you enjoy it! Before you watch another video, please Do SUBSCRIBE to the channel: https://bit.ly/2OvRJr0 and follow us on : INSTAGRAM : frumitup https://bit.ly/3uzPlip FACEBOOK: frumit UP. https://bit.ly/3cHe28Z You can reach me for collaboration, to send me products or just to say Hi by emailing me at [email protected] or reaching me on IG or via Frum it Up / Sara Malka PO box 66535 CSL CP Cavendish Mall Quebec, Canada H4W 3J6 Until next time, stay safe, stay blessed and don't forget to frum it up! ❤️ Sara Malka❤️ #5amroutine #5ammommorningroutine #frumitup How i dress in a classic and modest way at work, at home ond for shabbat and the Jewish Holidays    • Keeping Cool and Modest | What Orthod...   How i cover my hair and my favourite head-covering    • My FAVOURITE Head Covering Styles as ...   How i manage my time as a doctor, a mom and a youtuber    • My 10 Time Management Tips I use to B...   Know more about ,y Orthodox Jewish life Tour of a Jewish Ritual bath or Mikveh    • Inside a Mikvah | Tour of a Jewish Ri...   How i prepare shabbat as well as answer many of your questions about me    • Come Prepare Shabbat With Me as I Ans...   Tour of my Orthodox Sephardic Jewish home    • Come on a Tour of my Orthodox Sephard...   ⏱TIMESTAMPS⏱ 00:00 Waking Up at 5AM with G.od Changed My Life as an Orthodox Jewish Woman 1:00 How we Connect with G.od as Orthodox Jewish Women in difficult times 1:30 Giving Thanks to G.od 2:30 Taking care of the body G.od gave me skin care 4:30 Prayer to G.od 8:30 Taking care of the body G.od gave me Hydration and kosher food 10:00 Studying Torah Bible 13:30 Say Tehillim Psalms 15:00 change the mindset 17:00 May G.od bless you 🎤 MUSIC🎤 artlist.io SHORT BIO OF WHO IS BEHIND FRUM IT UP! Hi! Thank you for being here and have clicked on this video ! It means so much to me! Being a religious Orthodox Jewish woman with small children while working full-time as a healthcare professional with no outside help! I share with you tips tricks, shortcuts , DIY, hacks,.. videos to help you celebrate shabbat/holidays, to better understands what are the pillars of Judaism, to discover many mysteries enclosed in the Torah as well as to see that it is possible to balance a family life, a career and the perceived challenges of being a religious jew at the same time without feeling lost nor overwhelmed "most of the time" LOL! I post videos every week. Come and join me in this ride on how to be religiously YOU in a simple and fun way: Let's frum it up! Stay safe and blessed :) Sara Malka :) Follow me on INSTAGRAM : frumitup FACEBOOK: frumitup To connect with me for more resources, information and collaboration please do write me at frumitup on instagram Since you are HERE, you want more content about the JEWISH life I AM SURE!! SO these videos will interest you: ❤️WHAT IS SHABBAT:❤️    • SHABBAT SHALOM part 1 || WHAT IS SHAB...   💡HOW TO PREPARE FOR SHABBAT on Friday before and after work 💡    • SHABBAT PREP | FRIDAY BEFORE & AFTER ...   🐟KOSHER MEAL PREP FOR THE WEEK 5 full meals! 🐟    • Sunday Reset Family KOSHER Meal Prep ...   🐔 WHAT I PREPARE FOR SHABBAT *FULL MEALS ** and CLEAN WITH ME! 🐔    • SHABBAT PREP ROUTINE | WORKING MOM SH...