SO THIS IS GREED?? | Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x13 Reaction | "Beasts of Dublith"

SO THIS IS GREED?? | Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x13 Reaction | "Beasts of Dublith"

Greed makes an appearance and drops a lot of info. Is he acting independently? Also Izumi please notice me I'll treat you better. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . full metal alchemist, edward elric, alphonse elric, ed and al, fullmetal alchemist, FMAB 1x13, episode 13, FMAB ep 13 reaction, reaction/discussion, anime reaction, FMAB review, reaction highlights, anime review, full metal alchemist review, fmab reaction, 1x13, Izumi, hohenheiem, philosophers stone, seven deadly sins, alchemy, equivalent exchange, fullmetal alchemits reaction, winry, winry rockbell, alexander armstrong, roy mustang, riza hawkeye, maes hughes, greed, sloth, lust, envy, chimera