[Daily piano 일용할피아노] Lord, You Are The Author of My Life 주 내 삶의 주인되시고 / Pray / Study & Work /1hour 🎹

[Daily piano 일용할피아노] Lord, You Are The Author of My Life 주 내 삶의 주인되시고 / Pray / Study & Work /1hour 🎹

Focus on your mind for an hour Put down many thoughts in your head and concentrate on your studies, prayers, rest, and meditation "Daily piano" helps you focus, and above all, we want you to get some rest through music I hope you let the people around you flow the relaxation that you created through the rest Lord, You Are The Author of My Life 주 내 삶의 주인되시고 / Pray / Work / Study / Sleep / Relaxing / Meditation 🎹 연주 : 성일용(a k a Daily Piano) "Give us today our daily bread" (오늘 우리에게 일용할 양식을 주옵소서) #기도 #묵상 #일용할피아노#피아노 #공부 #안정 #일 #집중 #듣기좋은피아노 #듣기좋은음악 #일용할피아노 #dailypiano #pray #meditation #study #주내삶의주인되시고 #올네이션스 #경배와찬양 #lordyouaretheauthorofmylife #offering #worship #sleep #work #workfromhome #pianomusic #piano #아침묵상 #경배와찬양아침묵상