7 Signs of emotionally immature parents

7 Signs of emotionally immature parents

Have you ever been told you’re ‘overreacting’? Emotionally immature parents/ people who lack an ‘inner safe space’ to take the blame in order to validate the child’s/ your experience, their defense mechanism will automatically protect their ego by deflecting to you. Emotional maturity has nothing to do with age. It's the ability to self regulate, self reflect, and hold space for other people's emotions. Most emotionally immature parents lack awareness of how they've affected their children. People who’s experience was systematically invalidated as a child by emotionally immature parents will be susceptible to issues like gas lighting because they don’t understand that this is abnormal behaviour. Today at our Tuesday Live, r will be sharing with you 7 signs of emotional immaturity, if you find yourself in any of the signs, and what you can do to become emotionally mature. This will be live on our YouTube channel see details in first comment to subscribe or search with the name “Wendy Ologe the intentional parent” to subscribe. Also register for the Master Your Emotions Challenge here: https://selar.co/MYEchallenge3.0 or pay #5000 to 0509494057 (GTB). The Intentional Parent Academy. Send proof to 08129687040. Be Intentional. ©️Wendy Ologe Africa's Number One Parent Coach