[Popin Cookin] 가루쿡 피자 만들기🍕│Kracie Pizza party

[Popin Cookin] 가루쿡 피자 만들기🍕│Kracie Pizza party

안녕하세요 브랑슈 입니다 🍕오늘의 메뉴는 '가루쿡 피자파티' 입니다🍕 처음 피자파티를 만들 때까지만 해도 가볍게 임했는데 만들면서 다른 가루쿡보다는 약간 손이 많이 간다고 생각했어요 어렵진 않지만 전자렌지 2번을 써야 하는 번거로움과 반죽할 게 많아서 손이랑 숟가락도 몇 번이나 씻은 거 같아요 😂😂 그래도 저는 나름 재밌어서 만들었지만 귀찮은 거 싫어하시는 분은 영상으로만 봐주세요😄 맛은 토핑으로 들어간 치즈와 고기가 피자맛을 구현을 잘해놨더라구요 그래서 다 만들고 났을 때 뿌듯함은 2배가 된 거 같습니다 부족하지만 시청해주셔서 감사합니다:D Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, 👍 and COMMENT ❕❕ ★조리방법★ 1 감자모양모토 물 2컵, 전자렌지25초 2 반죽모토 물 4컵 3 치즈모양모토 물 1컵 4 고기모양모토 물 2컵 5 토마토소스모토 물 2컵 6 반죽 2개로 나눈 후 치즈와 고기, 토마토소스를 올려준다 7 전자렌지 50초 8 멜론소다가루와 플라스틱 컵안쪽 선까지 물을 넣어주세요 Hello, I'm Branshu 🍕Today's menu is 'Pizza party'🍕 I took it lightly until I made my first pizza party While making it, I thought it took a little more work than other flour cooks It's not difficult, but I'll knead the hassle of using the microwave twice I think I washed my hands and spoon several times because there were so many of them 😂😂 Still, I made it because it was fun, but for those who don't like annoying things Please watch the video only😄 As for the taste, the cheese and meat that went into the toppings did a good job of realizing the taste of the pizza So when it's all done, the pride seems to have doubled It's not enough, but thanks for watching :D Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, 👍 and COMMENT ❕❕ ★Recipe★ 1 2 cups of potato-shaped moto water, microwave for 25 seconds 2 Dough Moto 4 cups of water 3 1 cup of cheese-shaped moto water 4 2 cups of meat-shaped moto water 5 2 cups of Tomato Sauce Moto water 6 Divide the dough into two and top with cheese, meat, and tomato sauce 7 Microwave 50 seconds 8 Add melon soda powder and water up to the line inside the plastic cup #popincookin #가루쿡 #pizza #피자 🎵Track : Spring Walk - 🎵Track : Lazy Morning - 🎵Track : Flying SuperCorgi - 🎵Track : Garden in May - Music provided by BGM president