Overfilling Engine Oil - Symptoms, Consequences and Solution | मोबिल ज्यादा डालने से क्या होगा?

Overfilling Engine Oil - Symptoms, Consequences and Solution | मोबिल ज्यादा डालने से क्या होगा?

Too much/Overfilling Engine oil in a vehicle can cause some of the vehicle’s vital parts to malfunction and it can cost you a lot to repair these damages. That is why it is so important to detect the first signs of oil overfill early and take the necessary steps to resolve this problem. Overfilling your engine oil can cause serious damage to your engine. Some common symptoms are oil leaks from the engine and blue smoke from the exhaust pipe. If you have only filled it a couple of millimeters above the max sign, there is no need to worry. But if you have filled it a centimeter above the sign, it can cause severe damage to your engine. What are Engine Oil Grades :    • What are Engine Oil Grades | मोबिल के...   Best Engine Oil For Motorcycle/Scooter As Per Engine Capacity (CC) | Engine Oil Grade For Bike :    • Best Engine Oil For Motorcycle/Scoote...   How often to change Engine Oil in Motorcycle? :    • How often to change Engine Oil in Mot...   What does the color of the engine oil reveals about engine? :    • What does the color of the engine oil...   What is an Engine Misfire? :    • What is an Engine Misfire? | Causes, ...   Engine Overheating :    • बाइक के इंजन में ओवरहीटिंग क्यों होता...   Why Motorcycle Vibrates on Acceleration or At High Speed :    • Why Motorcycle Vibrates on Accelerati...   Here are some of the most common symptoms of oil overfill: Bad Engine Performance Driving your car with too much oil is going to cause the oil to transform into a frothy foam that cannot provide sufficient lubrication to the engine’s moving parts. As a result, you will notice one or more of the following symptoms: The engine makes more noise than usual Speeding up the vehicle becomes more difficult Engine stalling and misfire The engine won’t start The car is overheating Overfilling the engine with oil isn’t the sole reason why any of these issues might occur, and you must perform additional checks in order to rule out other potential sources of these engine problems. The Smell Of Burning Oil In case you sense the stench of burning oil in the engine compartment or in the rear section of the exhaust pipe you should check the car’s oil level immediately.Smoke coming out of the engine or exhaust system. Seeing blue smoke coming out of the car’s engine or the tailpipe is yet another indicator that you have too much oil in your car. The oil burns as it gets in contact with heated car parts which in turn produces the distinctive blue smoke. Oil Leaks Adding too much oil to the engine can cause the oil to leak while the engine is running, however, oil leaks can also occur when you’re not using your car. Check the oil level if you notice an oil puddle underneath your vehicle. Don’t drive your car if you notice an oil leak, because it is bad for the environment and your vehicle. #EngineOil #Automobile #Maintenance Join my channel and become a member :    / @mechanicaltechhindi   The wait is finally over. I am here with YouTube's very first Automobile & Mechanical Engineering Channel in HINDI. In this channel i will upload videos related to automobile and mechanical engineering topics such as engine, I C engine, Cars, Motorcycles, Production, HMT, Thermodynamics, FM, CAD/CAM etc. So subscribe my channel and learn everyday Follow me on twitter: ⤵   / dashingdanish11   Add me on Facebook: ⤵   / danish.ali.754   Follow channel on Instagram: ⤵   / mechanicaltechhindi   Contact me: ⤵ [email protected]