![[Boku No Hero Academia Comic Dub] Visiting Hitoshi](https://krtube.net/image/vt9oS3O_sfY.webp)
[Boku No Hero Academia Comic Dub] Visiting Hitoshi
In case you all are wondering, Midoriya's father, Hisashi, in this comic, is actually a very popular fan deisgn in the BNHA community. This fan-interpretation of Hisashi Midoriya's done by Sukdraw, so sadly this design is NOT canon. (Although, I would not be suprise if Horikoshi saw this design, and decided to use it. Wouldn't be the first time he incorporated a fanmade character into his manga) Part 1 of Sukdraw's Hisashi design - http://sukdraw.tumblr.com/post/144776... Part 2 of Sukdraw's Hisashi design - http://sukdraw.tumblr.com/post/146675... Shinsou's father's design is also fanmade. His design's created by Keiid, on tumblr. His name is also fanmade since Shinsou's parents have yet to be introduced in the manga, and anime. However, it is speculated that the doctor, from the latest episode, episode 8 of season 3, "From Iida to Midoriya," is Shinsou's father, but that has yet to be confirmed. Here's a little comparison: http://stuckinthisgodforsakenhellhole... Patreon: / miraculouscorazone Buy me a Coffee by donating here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/miraculo... Check out my OFFICIAL Store: https://teespring.com/stores/miraculo... *Use Promo Code "CORA" and get 20% off your purchase!!! Step by step of how to get 20% off your purchase: Step 1: Choose whatever shirt that you would like to buy. Step 2: Go up to the URL, highlight everything AFTER the question mark symbol, and get rid of it. Step 3: Type in: pr=CORA after the question mark symbol BAM!!! You NOW have 20% off your purchase!!! Original comic: http://sukdraw.tumblr.com/post/173686... Hisashi Midoriya, and Hajime Shinsou: Cole Jackson - / @colejackson592 ---------------------------------------- If you would like to send me anything.... My Mailing Address: Janice Acevedo (Miraculous Cora Zone) P.O. Box 215 Lacoochee, FL 33537 ---------------------------------------- Special thanks to my patrons: Adalia Orantes, Janet Acevedo (my mom), Nathaniel Hudson, and Joe Jury. "Boku No Hero Academia" is property of Kohei Horikoshi, and Studio Bones. #MHAComicDub #HisashiMidoriya #MiraculousCoraZone