Resident Evil 2 Frugalist, Minimalist & More S+ Rank Walkthrough Part III

Resident Evil 2 Frugalist, Minimalist & More S+ Rank Walkthrough Part III

Guide for obtaining following Resident Evil 2 Remake trophies / achievements in one playthrough: Frugalist (not using recovery items), Minimalist (not opening the item box), Gotcha! (killing G2 using the crate only once), A Waist Of Space (expanding inventory slots to maximum capacity), Young Escapee (escaping the bedroom within 60 seconds with Sherry), With Time To Spare (killing G4 with 4+ minutes left until detonation), Sizzling Scarlet Hero (completing Claire's story on standard or hardcore with an S+ rank), A Small Carbon Footprint (taking 14000 steps or fewer in one playthrough). Recorded in PS4 in standard difficulty. Leave in the comments what other walkthroughs of this game you would like to see and thank you for watching.