Nearer, My God, to Thee (내주를 가까이 하게함은) arranged & performed for 8 cellos by Soo Bae
TESTIMONY: This one is dedicated to my loving mother and father in law, who recently and very unexpectedly gifted me the historic '1710 Guarneri cello!!!' that I have been using for the past 7 years. My generous private donor from New Zealand has graciously allowed me to use this instrument for those years, but then he had to put the cello out for sale. Purchasing this priceless instrument for myself was out of the question, and so never in a million years would I have dreamed that my inlaws would go out of their way to purchase such an extravagant gift for me. I basically cried non stop for the past month out of sheer joy, gratefulness and disbelief. For almost 40 years of playing the cello, I have been loaned numerous different cellos one after another. With each hello always came a painful goodbye, and then a search process would begin again. As I reflect back on my journey though, there is a testimony behind how each cello came into my life, and none of these special stories would have ever happened had I owned a nice cello to begin with. So in retrospect, I can sincerely admit that the greatest blessing in my life was that I did NOT own a nice cello. Because of the constant state of uncertainty, I had to lean on God each step of the way and to experience the miracles of His provisions for me each step. Also it had led me to meet truly incredible people, who went out of their way to help and support me along the way....like Christopher Marshall, Clive Morris, Paul and Sharon Steinwachs, Ed and Amy Pong, Uncle Ric Heinl, Canada Council for the Arts, and my alma maters; Curtis Institute and Juilliard School. Although I did not have much, I never felt like I lacked anything for I have always been provided for more than I had ever hoped for. Just like this time, receiving such an extravagant gift from my amazing inlaws, was way beyond my wildest dream. I first declined as it was too big of a sacrifice for them...then my father in law one day called and shared about his own dear sister and how it pained him to see her give up her career due to raising her children. It was only after 40's she re began her passion and is now renown author and well respected educator in Korea. Then he continually expressed that he saw a glimpse of his sister in me, and how difficult it must be to juggle being a musician and a mom of 3 kids. His sharing alone gave me great healing and encouraged me in ways I never knew it would. Also my mother in law persistently called and lovingly told me that since the very first day she met me many years ago, she had always wished to gift me a nice cello, and finally how it would make her so happy to do this. I seriously cried for a whole month non stop. More than the cello, their love for me alone was the greatest gift I can ever receive. I still can't believe that my constant quest in owning my 'forever' cello will come to an end. I shed joyful tears of thanksgiving for this new chapter in my life. With much gratitude, I asked my in-laws what their favorite hymns were, and they said "Nearer, My God to Thee" (내주를 가까이 하게함은) So with a humble heart I have arranged it for 8 cellos to bless them and all those that listen. (Ofcourse playing on now my very own ' Ivashkin Joseph Guarneri Filius Andreae of Cremona 1710'). If you are going through a time of uncertainty, I hope my story and this song uplifts and encourage you that there is always hope even in our darkest hours! Bless you! 내 주를 가까이 하게 함은 십자가 짐같은 고생이나 내 일생 소원은 늘 찬송 하면서 주께 더 나가기 원합니다 내 고생 하는 것 옛 야곱이 돌 베개 베고 잠 같습니다 꿈에도 소원이 늘 찬송하면서 주께 더 나가기 원합니다 천성에 가는 길 험하여도 생명길 되나니 은혜로다 천사 날 부르니 늘 찬송하면서 주께 더 나가기 원합니다 야곱이 잠 깨어 일어난 후 돌 단을 쌓은 것 본받아서 숨 질 때 되도록 늘 찬송하면서 주께 더 나가기 원합니다 아멘 ________________________________________________ Ms. Bae uses the Ivashkin Joseph Guarneri filius Andreae of Cremona cello dated 1710 🛑 SUBSCRIBE: / soobaecello 🛑 INSTAGRAM: / soobaecello 🛑 WEBSITE: https://www.soobae.com ________________________ 🛑 SHEETMUSIC: https://www.soobae.com/sheet-music 🛑 AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Soo-Bae/e/B005... 🔷RECENT VIDEOS🔷 Is He Worthy - • 'IS HE WORTHY' for 12 cellos arranged... Rachmaninoff Sonata, Andante - • Rachmaninoff Sonata for Cello and Pia... Brahms Clarinet Trio, Adagio - • Brahms: Trio in A minor for Clarinet,... Nearer, My God, to Thee - • Nearer, My God, to Thee (내주를 가까이 하게함은... Nana' by Manuel de Falla - • 'Nana' by Manuel de Falla Soo Bae-Ce... Bach 6 Suite Prelude - • J.S. Bach - Solo Cello Suite No.6 Pr... Arirang '아리랑' - • 아리랑 - 'Arirang' recorded for WQXR: (T... 'Still' Hillsong '주품에 품으소서' - • 'Still' Hillsong '주품에 품으소서' arranged ... Gabriel's Oboe & The Falls' - • 'Gabriel's Oboe and The Falls' by Enn... Bach 'Arioso' - • J.S. Bach 'Arioso' arranged for 5 cel... CREDITS: *Hymn composed by Sarah Flower Adams *Special thanks to James Stevens for his arrangement (arranged for the BYU singing group @BYUvocalpoint *8-cello adaption by Soo Bae *Video produced by Soo Bae