Doctor explains HOW TO USE AMOXICILLIN (aka Amoxil / Respillin) including doses and side effects
In this video Doctor O'Donovan explains key facts you need to know about a medication called AMOXICILLIN (also known as Respillin or Amoxil) and how it is used to treat common infections - such as chest infections. In the video we cover: 1. What is amoxicillin? (0.41s) 2. Who can and can't take it (1.17s) 3. How to take it (1.39s) 4. Side effects (3.54s) 5. Advice if pregnant (5.56s) 6. Taking it with other medications (6.16s) Key facts from the NHS: *For most infections, you'll start to feel better in a few days. *The most common side effects of amoxicillin are feeling sick (nausea) and diarrhoea. *Liquid amoxicillin can stain your teeth. This does not last and is removed by brushing. *You can drink alcohol while taking amoxicillin. *Sometimes, taking amoxicillin can cause thrush. Further information: NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/amoxicil... Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs./amo... #doctor #medication #pharmacy #health #healthcare #amoxicillin ************************************************************************ Connect through: YouTube: / doctorodonovan TikTok: @doctorodonovan ************************************************************************** Disclaimer: The video is intended as an educational resource only. The information within this video or on this channel isn't designed to replace professional input, so if you have any medical issues please consult a medical provider. No professional relationship is being created by watching this video. Dr. O’Donovan cannot give any individual medical advice. All information should be verified for accuracy by the individual user. Dr O’Donovan accepts no responsibility for individual interpretation of data, although it is always accurate to the best of his knowledge at the time of the video being published. This is an EDUCATIONAL video. Images are used in accordance with fair use guidelines. Legal information: Content provided via YouTube is for general information purposes ONLY. Information videos are not produced to provide individualised medical advice. Medical education videos on Doctor O'Donovan are not a substitute for professional professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. NEVER ignore professional medical advice because of something you have heard here. ALWAYS consult your doctor regarding any concerns about your condition or treatment.