ANABOLIC BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE MUFFINS | High Protein Low Calorie Bodybuilding Recipe Review

ANABOLIC BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE MUFFINS | High Protein Low Calorie Bodybuilding Recipe Review

#anabolickitchen #proteinmuffins #remingtonjames #blueberrycheesecakemuffin SMASH that SUBSCRIBE button and don't forget to LIKE the video 👌 😎 Today we take on Remington James’s blueberry cheesecake muffins that are high proten and low calorie. But will they pass the anabolic and taste tests? See if they actually fit the bill when it comes to muffins that are super soft, tender and packed with flavor. 😎SUPPORT THE CHANNEL 😎 TRANSPARENT LABS CODE "JASON" FOR 10% OFF ▶ PIZZA KNEE SLEEVES ▶ AKLIVITY TEES ▶ FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ▶ INSTAGRAM:   /  . 📷EQUIPMENT I USE // Sony A6000 ▶ Gorilla Tripod ▶ Blue Yeti USB Mic ▶ Timestamp 0:00 Intro 1:43 Recipe Ingredients 4:13 Ratings