Now I bake bread every day!  Quick bread recipe.  Grandma's 100-year-old recipe!

Now I bake bread every day! Quick bread recipe. Grandma's 100-year-old recipe!

#Bread with cooking secrets with wheat#Simple and quick recipe Now I bake bread every day! Quick bread recipe. Grandma's 100-year-old recipe! . You will see step by step how this magical addition changes the traditional bread recipe and gives it a unique quality and aroma. Are you ready to surprise your loved ones with the taste of amazing homemade bread? bread recipe This simple recipe is 100 years old. That grandmother's recipe. Easy bread recipe. I will show you how to quickly cook daily bread with my grandmother's recipe in this video. You will see how this recipe changes traditional bread and gives it a unique quality and aroma. Are you ready to surprise your loved ones with the amazing taste of homemade bread? This is a simple way to make delicious bread at home. Without unnecessary complications, with ingredients that are easily available. I invite you to watch two different-shaped breads and try this delicious homemade bread recipe for yourself! Quick bread recipe, bread recipe This simple recipe is 100 years old. That grandmother's recipe. Easy bread recipe. 🔔 Membership:    / @secretsofcookingwithwhea-jc2hu   🌐 Turn on the subtitles! Elements: 600 ml of lukewarm water 14 grams of dry yeast 20 ml oil or olive oil 100 grams of whole wheat flour 20 grams of salt 940 grams of wheat flour, 10 grams of diastatic barley malt Knead Place in a warm place for 1-2 hours Form Leave in a warm place for 40 to 60 minutes Bake at 220°C (428°F) for about 30 minutes (remove the steamer after 15 minutes). Enjoy your meal! 🔽 Click on the text [cc] in the upper right corner of the video and the three dots in the upper right corner, then click translate and you can turn on subtitles. 🔽 Don't fall behind with new videos! Subscribe to the channel by clicking:    / @secretsofcookingwithwhea-jc2hu   Don't forget to turn on notifications by clicking the bell on the side to be updated on every new video! If you liked the video, don't forget to share it and share it with your friends. Thank you for your consideration! Easy bread recipe, traditional bread recipe #Bread_with_the_secrets_of cooking_with_wheat #Recipe #Bread