Episode 2 The 4 Habits of Successful Relationships
HOW ARE YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS? On this episode we are joined by Jonathan and Andrea Taylor-Cummings and our conversation is focused on their popular TEDx Talk discussing the 4 Habits of Successful Relationships. 1. Be Curious Not Critical 2. Be Careful Not Crushing 3. Ask Don't Assume 4. Connect Before You Correct https://linktr.ee/DisruptTheEveryday Website: https://the4habits.com/ TEDx Talk YouTube link: • 4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationsh... Jon & Andrea dream of a world in which every individual is equipped with the skills to build better relationships at work, at home and in life. Their TEDx Talk “4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationships” has been viewed over 1.8 million times. Andrea has 30 years experience as an organisation design and development consultant, coach and mentor. She has worked internationally (Jamaica, UK, Japan and Korea) in both the public and private sector, as a consultant with “big four” and niche consultancies, and as an entrepreneur. Jonathan has spent much of the last 30 years in professional services, helping both blue-chips (Merrill Lynch & Credit Suisse) and start-ups grow and develop corporate assets and client relationships to deliver a wide range of services across the banking, pensions and consulting sectors. As Co-CEOs and Co-Founders of Soulmates Academy, today Jonathan and Andrea have the privilege of being at the centre of the drive to reduce national and international relationship breakdown rates through a proactive approach to relationship capability development. They do this by working directly with Couples & Individuals, with Corporates & Institutions, with Communities & Governments, and with Schools & Classrooms.