Matt Broke His Leg Doing an Acrobatic Dare
Matt had to go to the emergency room after his accident. It all started when Rebecca Zamolo created "Popular Girl Sends Nerd to Detention - Learn How to be Popular." Next Matt and Rebecca posted "WHO CAN LOSE THE MOST WEIGHT IN 24 HOURS?!" Finally the Game Master Network created "MADDIE IS PREGNANT? Extreme Never Have I Ever Challenge." Now Matt is dared to a do a front flip off the trampoline. It goes wrong and is a bad idea when he breaks his leg. Matt needs Daniel to take him to the hospital and emergency room. When Matt is out he broke his leg and needs Maddie to be his personal assistant. Do you think she can last for 24 hours? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2022. Our New Game Master Mansion Mystery Book - https://www.harpercollins.com/product... Brent Rivera | LAST TO LEAVE QUICKSAND WINS $10,000!! • LAST TO LEAVE QUICKSAND WINS $10,000!! SSSniperwolf | Crazy Coincidences You Won't Believe • Crazy Coincidences You Won't Believe Adopted By GLAMROCK FREDDY In Minecraft! • Adopted By GLAMROCK FREDDY In Minecraft! Follow Rebecca: YouTube: / rebeccazamolo1 Instagram: / rebeccazamolo Twitter: / rebeccazamolo Snapchat: / rebeccazamolo Follow Matt: Instagram: / mattslayss Twitter: / matt4music Snapchat: / mattspack