Healthy superfood banana flower n wild fern salad with flax seed|RICH in IRON VITAMIN A n OMEGA3 fat

Healthy superfood banana flower n wild fern salad with flax seed|RICH in IRON VITAMIN A n OMEGA3 fat

BANANA FLOWER (SUPER FOOD) Very rich nutrients especially iron n full of antioxidants Some of the health benefits are- 1. Wards Off Infections 2. Reduces Free Radical Activity 3. Manages Diabetes And Anemia 4. Rich Source Of Vitamins And Minerals 5. Boosts Mood And Reduces Anxiety 6. Helps Nursing Mothers 7.Helps in weight loss WILD EDIBLE FERN High in antioxdant vitamin A and Carotenes.100 g of wild fern hold 3617IU or 120 % of recommended daily requirement Health benefits- 1.Supports the Bone Health 2.Promotes Optimal Function of Nerve System 3.Promotes Healthy Vision 4.Prevent the Development of Cancerous Cells 5.Great for Heart 6.Recommended for Diabetic Patient 7.Improve Appetite FLAX SEEDS One of the most extraordinary benefits of flax seeds is that they contain high levels of mucilage gum content. Mucilage is a gel-forming fiber that is water soluble and has incredible benefits on the intestinal tract Health Benefits- 1.Rich Source of Lignans, Which May Reduce Cancer Risk 2.Lower Blood Pressure 3. Improve Cholesterol 4.Control Blood Sugar 5.Keep Hunger at Bay, Which May Aid Weight Control My social media links here... Instagram-   / makelifecious   Facebook-   / makelifeciousa-106614907808652   Twitter-   / makelifeciousa   YouTube channel-    / makelifeciousa