January 28 2024 Stark Church Podcast
This is our first podcast of our Worship services. Please show grace in that we are on a tight budget plus a novice in this field. We just want to show Jesus to a lost and dying world. Thank you for listening to the Stark Church Podcast and hope you have enjoyed it. If you would like to attend our worship services in person, our physical address is 3299 St. Rt. 649, Olive Hill, KY 41164. Here is also a link to the Google Map pin I have set https://maps.app.goo.gl/swCPK9s58YZdR... You can check us out on our Facebook page at / starkchurch If you would like to donate to our church and the mission we have, please send payment to 1529 KY 504, Olive Hill, KY 41164 Make checks out to Stark Church Sunday School 10 am Sunday Worship Service 11 pm Sunday Evening Service 5 pm Monday Prayer Meeting 10:30 am Wednesday Worship 7pm Fri. Youth Group 6pm Take care and God Bless Brian Flannery 606-232-0008 [email protected]