Did God Allow Betrayal? Profound Restoration For Your Broken Heart | Ep. 3 | The Noble Marriage

Did God Allow Betrayal? Profound Restoration For Your Broken Heart | Ep. 3 | The Noble Marriage

Have you experienced the gut-wrenching pain of betrayal and found yourself asking, "Why me? Why did God allow this?" This episode dives deep into those difficult questions and explores how God desires to bring profound restoration to your broken heart. For me, Adelle, the search for answers intensified the pain. "What is wrong with ME?" "Why am I not enough?!? The desperate need to understand fueled a relentless quest for truth, a quest that often led me down a dark rabbit hole of self-blame. The familiar lie, "I'm not good enough," resurfaced with devastating force. My identity felt shattered. It was a familiar feeling, one I'd spent my life running from, and now it felt tragically confirmed. In the aftermath of betrayal, my heart posture toward the Lord was one of desperate questioning. Betrayal's pain is often focused on the one who caused it, and my questions for God were endless: "Why me?!" But in the midst of the turmoil, God began to reveal His purpose. He wants to restore a deep connection between me and Him. He doesn't just want to heal the wounds of betrayal; He desires far more for my heart than I can even imagine. I yearned to hear from God. I knew He would speak to me through someone or something, confirming the questions I was asking. He was my lifeline, and I desperately wanted to be attentive to His voice and surrender to His will. Where is God in your circumstances right now? Consider that He has been present all along. Perhaps you simply haven't paused long enough to truly focus on Him. He wants to lead you to freedom and be the hero of your story. To allow Him to be the hero, I had to step aside and trust Him. I couldn't trust my husband at that moment, but I could trust God. God wants you to come to Him so He can deeply restore your heart. He wants you to surrender your will to His, to trust Him, and through that trust, experience healing from the inside out. Will you let Him do that today? Watch Ep. 1:    • BETRAYAL: Coping in Marriage & How I ...   Watch Ep. 2:    • "My Sexual Brokenness Exposed!" The H...   We are helping couples & individuals transform their marriages globally. As Board Certified Master Mental Health coaches in marriage and family therapy, we offer practical strategies and tools for ongoing healing. Rooted in Christian faith, and biblical teaching, we provide profound spiritual guidance + practical steps for your journey in healing your marriage. We believe that when we are living as whole and complete individuals, we can share a beautiful freedom in marriage together. Consider Subscribing & tuning in every week for ongoing support in healing, practical tools and strategies to improve your life and marriage. Your story isn't over; the best chapters are yet to be written. WEBSITE: https://thenoblemarriage.com MARRIAGE INTENSIVE PROGRAM & RETREAT LINK: https://thenoblemarriage.com/marriage... BECOMING WHOLE & COMPLETE PROGRAM LINK: https://programs.thenoblemarriage.com... WALKING THROUGH BETRAYAL PROGRAM LINK: https://programs.thenoblemarriage.com... UNDERSTANDING YOUR SPOUSE PROGRAM LINK: https://programs.thenoblemarriage.com... BETRAYAL BREAKTHROUGH GROUP COACHING LINK: https://programs.thenoblemarriage.com... Social Media links: Instagram:   / thenoblemarriage   Facebook:   / thenoblemarriage   #marriagehelp #healedafterinfidelity #Marriagerestoration #betrayal #infidelity #marriagecrisis #marriagebetrayal #marriageadvice #marriage