Plant it like this and it will be filled with flowers | How to grow and care for mogra jasmine pl...

Plant it like this and it will be filled with flowers | How to grow and care for mogra jasmine pl...

Plant it like this and it will be filled with flowers. How to grow and care for mogra jasmine plant. by hld experiment.. Friends, today I am going to tell you such a secret way of planting a Mogra plant in a pot, so that if you plant any Mogra plant in a pot in your house, then your Mogra plant will not only bloom in abundance, but your Mogra plant will also start growing a lot from the month of February itself, so first of all see this, this is my Mogra plant, I brought it from the nursery and I have also separated its poly back, after separating it from the poly back, after this we have to do one thing, first of all see this, as I have separated it from the poly bag, you can see that a little bit of its root is visible because I have removed the dry soil on top of it... 👉My Other Popular Videos- ✔ Best fertilizer for mango plant-    • जादुई फर्टिलाइजर आम के पौधे की ग्रोथ ...   ✔ Rose Plant Growing Tips -    • गुलाब के पौधे में ढेर सारे फूल लेने क...   ✔ My secret to get lots of flowers in rose plant -    • जानिए गुलाब के पौधे में भर-भर के फूल ...   ✔ Gudhal Hibiscus Plant Care Growing Tips Fertilizer -    • गुड़हल के पौधे में ये डालते ही भर-भर क...   ✔ Put this in Mogra plant and it will bring lots of flowers -    • अमरुद के पौधे में ये डाल दो गमले में ...   ✔ With this white thing of 2 rupees, lemon plant will be filled with fruits, you will get so many lemons that you will get tired of plucking them -    • 2 रुपये की इस सफेद चीज से #नींबू का प...   ✔ Put this in guava plant and it will bring lots of guavas in the pot -    • मोगरा के पौधे में ये डालते ही भर भर क...   ✔ Know my secret to get lots of flowers in rose plant -    • मोगरा के पौधे में ये डाल दो गमले में ...   ✔ How To Grow Chillies -    • मिर्च के पौधे में ये इस को डालते ही भ...   ✔ Tulsi Plant Growing Care Tips -    • तुलसी के पौधे मे खाद डालने से सुखी तु...   ✔ Growing Guava In Pot Growing Faster 100% Success in terrace -    • अमरुद के पौधे में ये जादुई चीज डाल दो...   ✔ Natural Organic Fertilizer For All Fruit Flowering Plants -    • Natural Organic Fertilizer For All Fr...   ✔ 🌹ROSE PLANT CARE -    • 🌹ROSE PLANT CARE,ROSE PLANT GROWING T...   👉Queries-- how to grow n care mogra jasmine plant jasmine plant care how to grow jasmine plant how to grow mogra plant care of mogra jasmine plant in hindi how to propagate mogra jasmine plant mogra plant care best care tips for mogra jasmine plant how to propagate mogra plant how to grow mogra jasmine from cuttings how to propagate jasmine plant jasmine plant grow from cuttings how to grow jasmine plant at home mogra plant grow from cuttings #mograplant #jasmineplant #flowerplant #hldexperiment #gardeningtips DISCLAIMER----------------- THIS VIDEO IS NON PROMOTIONAL , THIS VIDEO IS CREATED ONLY TO PROVIDE EDUCATION INFORMATION , THIS CHANNEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROFIT OR LOSS IN ANY KIND OF BUSINESS...