Heart attack Types ❤️ l हार्ट अटैक के प्रकार #ecg #echo #shorts
Heart attack types❤️l हार्ट अटैक के प्राकार l #ecg #echo #shorts two upper chambers are called atria and the lower two are known as ventricles Muscular walls, called septa or septum, divide the heart into two sides. On the right side of the heart, the right atrium and ventricle work to pump oxygen-poor blood to the lungs. On the left side, the left atrium and ventricle combine to pump oxygenated blood to the body. in heart attack rwma will be there and ejection fraction will less than normal 4 test for heart attack 1.ecg 2 Troponin test 3 Echocardiography 4 Angiography #aorticstenosis #asd #vsd #holeinheart #hearttest #ecg #lipidprofile #thyroid #heartfailure #cardiomyopathy #ventricle #pulmonaryhypertension #asd #pulmonary #echo ##echocardiogram #drnagendrathalor #aortic #avr #valve #echotest #heartattack #stenosis #angiography #angioplasty ##shorts #live #youtube #funnyshorts #memes #alpha #newvideo #tiktok #gameplay #explore #subscribe #sub #youtubeguru #youtubeislife #shortsfunny #shortsbgm #shortstiktok #shortscomedy #shortsbts #shortsasmr #shortsadoptme #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsart #shortscooking #shortschallenge #youtuberlikes #ytool for more videos click on below link / @drnagendrathalorcardiology Notes : this video is for educational purposes only for any treatment and health issues consult with cardiologist