NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST - Cardinal Directions for Kids | Learn Directions for Children the Easy Way
Learn the Cardinal Directions North South & East West with a bonus Directions Geography Quiz at the end! Maps and Directions are important to learn about and understand for a basic foundation of geographic concepts for young learners! Our Geography for Kids learning series teaches your child about the cardinal directions and fun ways to remember each of them with easy to use mnemonic devices ! TRANSCRIPT Let's learn the directions north, south, east, and west. North, South, East, West North, South, East, West It's helpful to know how to read or compass or how to use a GPS Because they show or tell you which way you're going. Knowing north, south, east, and west helps us when we drive, When we're reading a map, When we're giving directions, And when we're learning about the world. Here's a tip to remember north, south, east, and west: #learningvideosfortoddlers #educationalvideosforkids