The MOST DANGEROUS Sleep Position You Never Knew | Sarah jakes Roberts | Motivation Speech

The MOST DANGEROUS Sleep Position You Never Knew | Sarah jakes Roberts | Motivation Speech

The most dangerous sleep position you’ve never heard of could be sleeping on your stomach. While it may seem comfortable for some, it puts significant strain on your neck and spine. When you sleep face-down, you force your neck into a twisted position, which can lead to muscle strain, nerve compression, and even long-term damage to your spine. Additionally, this position can restrict airflow and contribute to breathing difficulties, increasing the risk of sleep apnea or snoring. Over time, habitual stomach sleeping can also lead to chronic back pain, poor posture, and tension in your muscles. While it may feel cozy at first, this position can have hidden long-term health risks that make it the most dangerous sleep position you might not even realize is harming you.