《Spot the Difference》Refresh your mind with illustration brain training! 035
Challenge yourself with the "Spot the Differences" game! This is a fun and simple brain exercise, perfect for seniors and older adults. Find the differences in pictures to improve your focus and keep your mind active! You can enjoy it anytime, even in a short break during your day. It’s easy to continue every day and works as a great "Brain Health Check." Give it a try and enjoy the fun! Each illustration has three differences. The time limit is 90 seconds. There are three puzzles in total. 00:00 Introduction 00:12 【PUZZLE 1】 01:47 【PUZZLE 1】Answer 02:05 【PUZZLE 2】 03:42 【PUZZLE 2】 Answer 03:59 【PUZZLE 3】 05:36 【PUZZLE 3】Answer 05:52 Ending 🟩Check out my other videos! • Spot the Difference Game 🍀Enjoy Brain... • Spot the Difference Game 🍀 Train Your... 🟩Subscribe to my channel! / @brain_puzzle_japan 🟩Playlists • Spot the Difference 021-030 • Spot the Difference 011-020 • Spot the Difference 001-010 • Find 5 Differences! • Spot the Difference ALL #findthedifference #spotthedifference #braingames #findthedifferencegame #puzzle #quiz #spotthedifferencegame #quiztime #다른그림찾기 #間違い探し #головоломки #找不同 #視覺辨別力 #trovaledifferenze #تحدي