Sticky Banana Pudding with Cinnamon Toffee Sauce
Sticky Banana Pudding with Cinnamon Toffee Sauce Full Recipe: https://everydaygourmet.tv/recipes/st... Ingredients: 125g unsalted butter, room temperature, halved 1 cup dates, pitted, chopped and soaked in ¾ cup boiling water 1 tsp baking soda 1½ cup plain flour 1 tsp baking powder 1¾ cup brown sugar 2 eggs 2 ripe bananas, mashed (approx. 1 cup), plus extra for serving 300ml cooking cream 1 tsp cinnamon, plus extra for serving Pinch salt Vanilla Cream 300ml thickened cream 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp caster sugar FOLLOW US: Website: https://everydaygourmet.tv/ Facebook: / everydaygourmettv Instagram: / everydaygourmettv Tiktok: / everydaygourmettv MORE RECIPES LIKE THIS ONE: Desserts: • Desserts EG14 Recipes: • Everyday Gourmet S14 Develop your prowess in the kitchen with one of Australia’s most loved cooks, Justine Schofield on Everyday Gourmet. #everydaygourmet #justineschofield #chef #recipe #recipes #recipevideo #recipeidea #recipeforyou #cooking #cookingchannel #cookingvideo #cookingshow #food #delicious #banana #pudding #toffee #stickypudding #cinnamon #dinner #dinneridea #australia