Make Super Tasty Healthy Cake at home | Best recipe | #cookingwithfatima
#EasyCooking #CookingwithFatima #Recipe For Instructions watch full video,,, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WELCOME EVERYONE to my channel COOKING WITH FATIMA.I'm from Baltistan and am very passionate about cooking.In this channel I will share all my secrets of cooking.Here you can find easy and quick recipes with delicious and tasty result.I want to help everyone in kitchen through my videos especially beginners. So please watch my videos and post your comments. Don't forget to Like Share Subscribe As it helps a lot, Thankyou. Subscribe to Cooking with Fatima: YouTube: / cookingwithfatima001 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/cookingwith... TikTok: / cookingwith_fatima Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... #sujigrcake #sujigurmawacake #attadatescake #attakhajoorcake #datescake #semolinacake #sujicakeinpan #tawacake #gurcake #sujigurcake #sujigheegurcake #gurcake #elaichicake #chocolate #chocolatemuffins #cupcakes #chocolatecupcakerecipe #premixcake #fondant #caketoppers #cakedecorating #easymethod #cakeprice #recipies #allaboutbaking #cake #fruitcake #teacakes #spongecake #softcake #moistcake #vanillacake #howto #easycakerecipe #quickrecipe #cooking #dessert #cakehack #sweet #withoutoven #dryfruitcake #dryfruit #streetfood #urduandhindi #pakistanifood #trending #viral #recipe #easycooking#eidspecial #newyear #lunchbox #withoutoven #halloween #homemade #urduandhindi #authenticrecipe #commercialrecipe #forkids #healthy #humtv #goodmoodgoodfood #snack #cookingwithfatima Suji cake | suji gur cake | ghee cake | suji ghee gur cake | cake in saucepan | tawa cake | vanilla cake in saucepan | vanilla cake | semolina cake | super soft cake recipe | Eggless suji cake recipe | no maida no Atta cake recipe | cake without sugar | cake without oil butter | suji cake in kadai | eggless cake | cake | sooji cake in cooker | cake recipe in hindi | cake recipe | whole wheat cake | cake in pan | sponge cake | cake recipes | eggless suji cake | healthy cake | sooji cake without oven | sponge cake recipe | premix recipe | soft spongy cake | snack | Sweet | cake banane ka tarika | low cost cake recipe | orignal bakery style tea cake recipe | no oven cake | Fruit cake recipe | elachi cake recipe | without butter cake recipe | plain cake recipe | eid dessert | delight | eid lunch | eid dinner | lunch menu | cake | marble cake | tea time cake | pound cake | chai wala cake | best tea cake recipe | tasty food | tea cake | low budget cake recipe | desi cooking | cake recipe | without oven | how to make cake | best recipe | cake recipe | how to | recipe in urdu | Pakistani recipe | no oven recipe | Healthy Recipes | Easy Super Recipes | Recipe For | Recipe | White | Indian Food Recipes | without | Fast And Easy Recipes | Easy Cook | Quick Meals Ideas | Easy To Make Recipes | Indian Simple Recipes | Pakistani Food Recipes | Food And Recipes | Easy Fast Recipes | Easy Family Recipes | Recipes | Quick Food Recipes | Fast Food Recipes | Easy Indian Recipes | New Food Recipes | Party Recipes | Recipe Box | More Recipes | Quick Cooking Recipes | Food Receipt | Chef Recipes | Home Cooking Recipes | Copycat Recipes | Recipe And Ingredients | New Dishes Recipe | Easy And Cheap Recipes | Favorite Recipes | Kids Favorite Foods | Famous Recipe | Free Recipe | Recipes And Cooking | Cooking | Easy Appetizer Recipes | Recipes For Children | spicy recipe | easy snacks | tasty snacks | snacks for dinner | restaurant style recipe | street food | easy bbq | original recipe | how to make | fail proof | mutton Recipe | urdu | hindi | recipe at home | easy and tasty recipe | eid recipe | soft and juicy | best recipe | commercial recipe | trending | Viral recipe | tea snacks | easy dinner snack | tea time snacks | tasty snacks | easy snacks | 10 min Snacks | simple snacks recipe | easy and quick snacks recipe | instant snacks | Pakistani street food ============================================================================= Thank You For Watching My Video! Please feel free to like, comment, share, and subscribe