Top 250 Silent Heart | Deepwoken
I've usually always gotten to top 250, even with chime resets, but never actually recorded any of my gameplay. This session was around 3 hours long, with me going to 980 to 1250, which was top 250 at the time. My WR was 24W 3Ls, was a smooth ride. I've been playing Silent Heart since it came out, which is about a year now, even when it was bad and good. I just wanted to make a video on my chime gameplay for fun, and to see how people will think of it, I only get nice things said to me in chime anyways (not very nice). Thanks again for watching the video! Build showcase soon. #deepwoken #deepwokengameplay #deepwokenpvp #roblox #edit #deepwokenroblox #compilation #robloxedit #edit #pvp #underground #west #california #fyp