Profitable swing trading strategy sikhe? | Positional & Swing trading strategy @financewithsunil1
📈 Check out our course on Price Action Trading Strategy by Sunil Gurjar in Hindi available at just 999: https://www.upsurge.club/course/price... Anchor mentioned data of STT collection data that also includes personal income tax, but STT is collected not only on Derivative trading but on buy and sell of shares also. you can find the government-published data here: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframe... In this podcast with Mr. Sunil Gurjar, we discuss many topics related to the stock market. We tried to know his journey in the stock market, and how he entered the derivative markets. We also discuss why retail traders are losing their money in the market and at last we have learned a great trading strategy from him that he always uses in his setup. IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, IT WILL MOTIVATE US TO MAKE MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS Learn Options trading from Jyoti Budhia: • Learn Options trading with Upsurge.club Learn Technical Analysis with Upsurge (Basic to Advanced): • Technical Analysis with Jyoti Budhia Learn trading from Jyoti Budhia: • Trading with Jyoti Budhia Watch all our podcasts Insights with Insiders: • Podcasts Learn to trade with Upsurge: • Live Trading Sessions at Upsurge Follow Us On Other Socials⚡ 🌐Our Website: https://www.upsurge.club/?invite=YUTB... 📈Instagram: / upsurge_club ✍LinkedIn: / upsurge-club 🐦Twitter: / upsurge_club 📊 Open Demat Account at dhan: https://invite.dhan.co/?join=DHANU_YT What is Upsurge.club? 🤔 We are a one-stop solution for learning trading, investing & finance from leading industry experts. Choose from our curated range of 55+ courses, and 15+ masterclasses along with live webinars and discussions, to stay one step ahead of your peers when it comes to stock market trading & investing. Start your stock market journey today with upsurge.club. 🚀 Timestamp: 0:00 Introduction 1:06 Journey of Sunil Gurjar 4:44 How did he start trading in Options? 9:08 People Losing Money in Options 11:41 One strategy for trading by Sunil 59:01 Sunil Gurjar's book on trading 1:02:52 Stage 4 explained the strategy 1:07:42 Case Study 1 1:09:12 Case Study 2 1:10:47 Case Study 3 1:12:27 Case Study 4 1:14:04 LIVE examples 1:21:40 Why retail traders are losing money in Options 1:26:00 RAPID FIRE Q&A #Upsurge #options #Technicalanalysis #Options #Stockmarket #Stockmarketinvesting #Trading #swingtrading #breakouttrading #scalping #intraday