[SUB] Christmas cooking recipe, Homemade Rich Hot Chocolate 크리스마스 레시피, 핫초코, Vegan recipe

[SUB] Christmas cooking recipe, Homemade Rich Hot Chocolate 크리스마스 레시피, 핫초코, Vegan recipe

추운 겨울 몸도 마음도 따뜻해지는 비건 리얼초코 핫초코☕️🍫 Homemade Ultra-Rich Hot Chocolate Almond beverage used for vegans 🌱재료 다크초콜렛 40g, 리얼아몬드 1팩 (190ml) 📝레시피 1. 초콜렛을 작게작게 조각내줍니다 2. 아몬드음료를 데워주세요 3. 초코칩들을 녹여주세요 4. 우유거품을 만들어주세요 5. 핫초코를 따라주고 위에 거품과 초코칩을 얹으면 완성! 😊 정말 찐~해요! 따뜻할 때 잘저어먹어요 :) *Ingredients 190ml Almond milk (You may use any milky liquid you prefer) 40g Dark chocolate *How to Make Hot Chocolate 1. Chop up chocolate (Don't have to chop it finely ) 2. Heat up almond milk over medium/med-low heat until hot and steamy (but not boiling) (Leave some of the warm almond milk for froth milk) 3. Add the chopped chocolate into the hot milk and stir to combine (Keep up a bit of chocolate for later use) Continue to stir it just until melted and smooth in the milk 4. To froth milk, whip warm almond milk with a handheld milk frother *Beautiful* See how to froth milk without an espresso machine :) 5. Pour over hot chocolate into a mug Top with milk foam & chocolate chips and enjoy! *When pouring milk foam, don't rush the pour. Just start with a narrow stream* #베지하루 부드럽고 달콤한 #핫초코만들기 #겨울음료레시피 📷   / vegeharu   📌 https://www.pinterest.co.kr/vegeharu/ 🎈 https://www.tumblr.com/blog/vegeharu 📝 Recipe English   / vege.haru.5   한국어 https://vegan-haru.tistory.com/