Resident Evil Resistance LIVE - Start Over | Part #9

Resident Evil Resistance LIVE - Start Over | Part #9

#harshpeacer #halfpeacer #ResidentEvil #Resistance #Live Hey, thanks for stopping by! I have finally decided to give this game another go and this time I'm starting it over! In this live stream series, I will guide you on "How to play Resident Evil Resistance for NOOB' mostly as Jill Valentine from Rank 0 up to 999+ God Mode! So, Lock-and-Load !!! I'm really really a big fan of Resident Evil, so if you enjoy watching my Livestream, please give it a LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel. That'll definitely help me a lot, thanks! p/s: Add me on PSN (ID: harshpeacer) p/s: New PSN alt (ID: halfpeacer)