Timeless Wisdom | Homily | The Lord is with us | 3rdSun of Lent | Most Rev Socrates Villegas OP DD

Timeless Wisdom | Homily | The Lord is with us | 3rdSun of Lent | Most Rev Socrates Villegas OP DD

Everything will be destroyed except the Lord. And it is the Lord who will restore everything destroyed and give us a new beginning, a new life, a new heaven, a new earth. 1st Reading : Ex 20:1-17 The Ten Commandments Psalm : Ps 19 Lord, you have the words of everlasting life 2nd Reading : 1 Cor 1:22-25 Preaching a crucified Christ Gospel : Jn 2:13-25 Cleansing the Temple Most Rev. Socrates B. Villegas, OP, DD Mass Presider | Homilist The Lord is with us | 3rd Sunday of Lent St. John the Evangelist Cathedral March 6, 2021 | 5:00 PM (Anticipated Mass) Special Thanks and Video Credits to: Father Soc    / fathersoc   #2rdSundayofLent #SocVillegas #FatherSoc 🔴 FATHER SOC'S SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS   / fathersoc     / fathersoc1   https://www.tumblr.com/blog/fathersoc https://fathersoc.blogspot.com   / frsocratesvi.  . Timeless wisdom a food for the soul is a compilation of homilies, talks, retreats and Q & A of Catholic priests here in the Philippines. The purpose of this channel is to share God’s word that may give encouragement and wisdom to those who seek meaning in their lives, and to uplift the spirit in this time of great need during this pandemic due to Covid 19. May Timeless Wisdom a food for the soul be a source of strength and hope as we reflect on the Gospels; as we reflect on the inspirations of the homilies, talks, Q&As and words of wisdom have imparted to us. Let us ask God to give us the grace of enlightenment. Despite the difficulties we go through, may we still feel God’s presence. No matter what we go through, don’t let go of God’s hand. Just like the Blessed Mother , may our hearts be pure, that we still have faith in humanity. That we ourselves be a living testimony of God’s love, mercy and compassion. Please spread the Good News and share God’s message especially to those who are having difficulties in this time of pandemic due to Covid 19. Live a life that matters and get in touch with the roots of your faith. That in all things God may be glorified! Timeless Wisdom | Homily | The Lord is with us | 3rdSun of Lent | Most Rev Socrates Villegas OP DD Timeless Wisdom a food for the Soul