Nov. 17, 2024 Worship Service at Salem MKE
Our service will stream here at 9 a.m. on Nov. 17, 2024, at Salem Lutheran Church and School in Milwaukee, WI! A worship folder PDF for this service can be found by going to: https://tinyurl.com/salemnov17 Today, we welcome Pastor Mike Helwig, director of Ministry and Faith Integration at Christian Family Solutions. He will share a message from God's word as we continue our "Live Like You'll Live Forever" series. How do we overcome the fear of judgment? It begins by realizing that there is only one person whose opinion ultimately matters—the Judge. Everyone is going to live forever in one of two very different places. Where you spend eternity depends on a judgment that Jesus will render. This week we see why his judgment need not trigger any sort of anxiety. Judgment day is something we can joyfully anticipate. We can live free from the fear of judgment. Offerings can be given by going to: https://tinyurl.com/salemgiving. If you prefer, you can mail your contribution to the church office at 6810 N 107th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53224 All lyrics and liturgy are reprinted under CCLI #2000727. Permission to stream the music in this service was obtained from One License with license # A-712634