Degi Pulao Recipe | Chana Pulao Recipe | How to make chana pulao /Degi Pulao@Zamiya kitchen secrets
Degi Pulao Recipe | Chana Pulao Recipe | How to make chana pulao /Degi Pulao@Zamiya kitchen secrets Chana Pulao Recipe | how to make perfect chana pulao | how to make Degi pulao at home | Trending recipe | New recipe | Pakistani recipe | evening snacks recipe | New begginers recipe | cooking skills | easy to make perfect chana pulao | chana pulao recipe | Degi pulao recipe | evening time meals | dinner recipe | White chana recipe | Pakistani food recipe | yummy food recipes | cooking skills | easy to cook | latest recipe for girls | How to make perfect chana pulao at home by zamiya kitchen secrets Ingredients: Rice 1 kg White chana half kg Onion 2 medium size Tomato 2 medium size Green chilli 5 to 6 chopped Garlic, ginger paste 2 tb spoon Salt according to the taste Red pepper 2 to 3 tb spoon Turmeric 1 TB spoon Khushk dhania 1 tb spoon Gram masala 1 tb spoon Shan pulao masala 2 TB spoon Water 2 litre #degichanapulao #chanapulaorecipe #food #recipe #cooking@ zamiyakitchensecrets