Ch# 2| Derivatives | Exercise 2.2 Q3 & 5 | Calculus by SM Yusuf Lec 19| in Hindi
For All Notes of (B.Sc , B.S Honors Associate Degree Program) of Mathematics Contact: +923008810640 ( Qamar Islam) Ch# 2| Derivatives | Exercise 2.2 Q3 & 5 | Calculus by SM Yusuf Lec 19| in Hindi In this Lecture we have discussed the following Important Things 1) Exercise 2.2 Question no.3 2) Exercise 2.2 Question no.5 Calculus with Analytical Geometry by SM Yousaf For (B.Sc , B.S Honors Associate Degree Program) To study more exciting lectures For (B.Sc , B.S Honors Associate Degree Program), please follow the following link: Mechanics : • Ch# 5(Friction |What is Friction, Ang... • Ch# 2 Composition of Forces |Magnitu... • Ch#11|Air Resistance Proportion to th... • Ch# 10 Motion Of Projectile | Basic C... • Ch# 7 Kinematics | Velocity and Accel... • Ch# 8 Rectilinear Motion | Motion wit... Mathematical Method : • Ch# 9 | Degree and Order of Different... • Ch# 10 Differential Equations of High...