4.14.24-  3rd Sunday of Easter-  Caryl Homily

4.14.24- 3rd Sunday of Easter- Caryl Homily

Welcome Opening Song Canticle of the Sun Sign of the Cross and Greeting Sprinkling Rite Opening Prayer Rupp, May I Have This Dance, pp. 65-66 (adapted CCJ) 1st reading Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19 Responsorial Psalm Psalm 4 from Psalms for Praying by Nan C. Merrill 2nd Reading Beloved by John of the Cross From Love Poems from God, p. 302, trans. by Daniel Ladinsky (adapted CCJ) Gospel Acclamation Easter Alleluia Gospel Luke 24: 35-48 Sharing—You are invited to give your thoughts on the readings or on the homily itself. This is a time of sharing. Discussions are held at another time. We ask that you remember the ABCs of sharing: please be audible, brief, and Christ-centered. Offering of Prayer for Those in Need Response: Loving God, hear our prayer Preparation of the Gifts Response: Blessed be God forever Eucharistic Prayer (Thom M. Shuman—adapted CCJ—textweek.com) The Prayer of Jesus A Latin American Adaptation Sign of Peace Invitation to Communion— Communion Song Open My Eyes Prayer after Communion Announcements Blessing—A Blessing of Peace (Composed by Catholics in Japan, based on the haiku by monk-poet Basho—in And Morning Came: Scriptures of the Resurrection, by Megan McKenna, pp. 135-36—adapted CCJ) Sending Forth How Can I Keep From Singing #443