Speak English Fast by Listening to Conversations 1-50

Speak English Fast by Listening to Conversations 1-50

Use the list of links below to quickly jump to any conversation in this video. See the links at the bottom, too. Please subscribe to this channel. Donate to "Speak American English with Lyman Holton" to help offset operational expenses: https://paypal.me/LymanHolton?locale.... 00:00 - Introduction 00:10 - 1. A Quick Trip to the Store 01:32 - 2. Make Plans to go to a Restaurant 02:52 - 3. Give Someone a Ride to Work 04:19 - 4. Directions to the Library 05:46 - 5. Dining at a Buffet 07:24 - 6. Let's go Dutch 08:44 - 7. Getting a New Job 10:17 - 8. You Need to Go to the Doctor 11:49 - 9. Buying Shirts in a Clothing Store 13:18 - 10. Getting Directions to an Inn 14:40 - 11. How Do I Get to the Mall? 16:15 - 12. Planning a Vacation in Canada 17:53 - 13. It's Important to be Friendly 19:32 - 14. How to Improve Your English 22:11 - 15. Store Hours and Social Media 23:53 - 16. It's Expensive to Raise Children 25:33 - 17. Going Through an Airport 27:14 - 18. I Lost my Wallet 28:54 - 19. Talking to an Old Acquaintance 30:24 - 20. Our Recent European Vacation 31:46 - 21. I Shop, and Love Sales 33:20 - 22. Plans for Dinner and a Show 35:04 - 23. It's Nice to Have a Good Friend 36:38 - 24. Going to the Library 38:20 - 25. Meeting for the First Time 38:56 - 26. Getting a Job Interview 40:03 - 27. Waiting for a Bus 41:10 - 28. Where's the Subway Station? 42:29 - 29. Let's go out for Pizza! 43:51 - 30. Where are Your Glasses? 45:12 - 31. A Really Bad Restaurant 47:07 - 32. Buying an Airline Ticket 48:15 - 33. Help Me Find My Driver's License 50:05 - 34. You Need to Clean Your House 51:57 - 35. Eating in a Restaurant 53:30 - 36. That's a Lot of Laundry 55:14 - 37. Finding Your Way in a New City 57:03 - 38. Find Hollywood on a Map 58:33 - 39. Sick After Eating at a Hotel 01:00:03 - 40. Going to the Movies 01:01:26 - 41. It Tastes Funny and Smells Bad 01:03:11 - 42. It's a Very Special Chair 01:05:07 - 43. Visiting Family with a Friend 01:06:39 - 44. Showing Your Vacation Photos 01:07:58 - 45. Buying Flowers for a Coworker 01:09:44 - 46. Calling a Coworker by Phone 01:11:06 - 47. Keeping Warm in the Winter 01:12:34 - 48. Plans for Holiday Shopping 01:14:08 - 49. Meeting a Friend at the Mall 01:15:53 - 50. I Want to Improve My English NOTE: To see this video with both the "Listen" and "Practice Speaking" parts of the conversations click this link:    • Listen to and Speak American English ...   To see this video with only the "Practice Speaking" part of the conversations click this link:    • Practice Speaking English Fast in Con...   This is a compilation of 50 American English conversations. That's over an hour of practice conversations with me (Lyman). Speak English Fast by Listening to Conversations 1-50. You will learn how to Speak English online, here. Lyman Holton (me, your teacher) is a native speaker of American English and will show you how to learn English. Using an English video is a terrific instructional way to learn English. This will also help you to improve your listening skills as you study the language. Learn to speak American English through the use of the language. You can learn basic English up through advanced English. I suggest that you start with the basics. Speak American English with Lyman Holton is the channel where you will improve your English, your English pronunciation, speech, and speaking ability. Your proper use of business English will improve, too. This English class also supports EFL. It is a great tutorial for furthering your education as an English speaker. Speak American English is what most English learners want to learn, but many aren't aware that American and British English are two rather separate forms of English. It's referred to as 영어 (English) in South Korea and Ingles in another. Do you know which country that is? A native English speaker, such as myself, is a great learning resource. I can give correct English pronunciation (Did you catch that there's an extra letter in that last word? Do you know what it is?) English pronounce or pronounce English, which is the right way to say it? You'll also learn that here. Is the correct spelling; English grammer, English grammar, English gramar, English gramer, or are any of them correct? Spelling is important, too when mastering a language. We also cover English verbal phrases (or is it phases?) and practice English conversation. I also teach American accent training. The American English accent is the preferred accent for many English learners. Let's talk about this in a few of my video lessons, shall we? American English conversation will help you to pronounce English words, pronounce words. Let's have an English class, an English lesson or many English lessons together starting today! English subtitles are provided in many of my video lessons, but if not, just read the computer monitor or whiteboard I'm using in the video. It works out the same way. http://SpeakAmericanEnglishwithLymanH... Speak English Fast by Listening to Conversations 1-50