മുട്ട പഫ്സ് ഗോതമ്പു പൊടിയിൽ ഉണ്ടാക്കിയത് I EGG PUFFS WITHOUT OVEN I Roshinis kitchen world l
EGG PUFFS RECIPE #eggpuffsrecipeathome #cripsyeggpuffs #muttapuffsinwheatflour An egg puff is a spice-filled pastry that people savour and celebrate in almost every state of Southern India. While egg puff around the world refers to specific snacks like the English Egglet, Hong Kong Puffs, and Pâte Feuilletée, India also has its own egg puff version. Crispy, crunchy, flaky, soft in the middle and a bite full of tasty ingredients make an egg puff a must-have on almost every bakery stand. And if you have tried this pastry, you would want to know how to make an egg puff. You may have it with tea, coffee, juice, milkshake or soft drinks. Egg puffs will impact your glucose metabolism based on the added ingredients. The maida in the egg puffs can impact the blood glucose levels of people suffering from diabetes or insulin resistance. However, the addition of eggs stabilises the glucose spike as eggs are the greatest source of protein. While it does have some micronutrients, puff pastry is high in fats and carbs. A single serving of 100 grams of puff pastry contains a massive 551 calories. Refined flour-based puff pastry offers no fibre that promotes satiety. Instead, it can spike blood sugar and disrupt digestive health. egg puffs recipe l egg puffs without oven l Roshinis kitchen world l Egg puffs recipe at home l crispy egg puffs l mutta puffs in wheat flour l How To Make egg puffs recipe l egg puffs in malayalam l Kerala egg puffs l bakery style egg puffs l egg puffs pastery sheet l egg puffs ingredients l best egg puffs l crispy delicious egg puffs l #eggpuffsrecipe #eggpuffswithoutoven #roshiniskitchenworld #eggpuffsrecipeathome #crispyeggpuffs #muttapuffsinwheatflour #howtomakeeggpuffsrecipe #eggpuffsinmalayalam #keralaeggpuffs #bakerystyleeggpuffs #eggpuffspasterysheet #eggpuffsingredients #besteggpuffs #crispydeliciouseggpuffs മുട്ട പഫ്സ് ഗോതമ്പു പൊടിയിൽ ഉണ്ടാക്കിയത് I EGG PUFFS WITHOUT OVEN I Roshinis kitchen world l