"Nani Teri Morni Ko Mor Le Gaye | School Annual Day Dance Performance | Kids' Delight"
"Nani Teri Morni Ko Mor Le Gaye" is a classic Rajasthani folk song that has been delighting audiences for generations! Our talented school kids bring this iconic song to life with their energetic and charming dance performance. Recorded during our school's annual day celebrations, this video showcases the vibrant culture and rich heritage of Rajasthan. The kids' infectious enthusiasm and joy are sure to put a smile on your face! Watch, enjoy, and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more exciting videos! #NaniTeriMorniKoMorLeGaye #RajasthaniFolkSong #SchoolAnnualDay #KidsDancePerformance #RajasthaniCulture #FolkSong #TraditionalDance #KidsDelight #SchoolEvent #AnnualDayCelebrations #RajasthanTourism #IndianCulture #FolkMusic #RajasthaniMusic #DancePerformance #KidsEntertainment #SchoolLife #FunVideos #MusicAndDance #FolkFusion