"2024 Children's Christmas Pageant" DuBois LAKESIDE Church

"2024 Children's Christmas Pageant" DuBois LAKESIDE Church

Sunday December 15 2024 10:30am 3rd Sunday in Advent CHILDREN'S PAGEANT Sermon Series MESSY CHRISTMAS - Advent 2024 "Joseph: The Gift of Obedience" (8:00 am only) Pastor Brett Dinger Scriptures: Matthew 1: 18-25 We're Glad you're Here. Online audience It is very important that you register your attendance and add your Prayer requests First: Go to our website https://www.duboislakeside.org/ click the BLUE SHEET on the home page of our website. Fill in your information then go to which ever online format you prefer to watch the livestream from. Follow the links on the home page of the website. If you would like to view/download the bulletin before the service begins on our website homepage https://www.duboislakeside.org/ scroll half way down and click on the Media Center the Bulletin & Inserts Library is at the top click the bulletin you would like to download/print by the date. Click the MEDIA CENTER to watch on the website. Links to our Facebook Lakeside Group page and our YouTube Channel can be found on our website www.duboislakeside.org click on the dropdown EXPLORE Tab and see the links. CCLI Copyright License #1191905 CCLI Streaming Plus License #20943368 CVLI Video License #504243932 Total Producer Package Another way to watch is: Download the Sermon.net app on your ROKU then search DuBois Lakeside Church and be sure to save/subscribe.