Feast of Christ the King | November 26, 2022 | Holy Mass & Homily | Fr James Shamaun Production

Feast of Christ the King | November 26, 2022 | Holy Mass & Homily | Fr James Shamaun Production

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King (Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time), Cycle A Sunday, November 26, 2023 First Reading Ezekiel 34:11-12,15-17 God himself will shepherd the people of Israel. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 23:1-2,2-3,5-6 The Lord is our shepherd. Second Reading Corinthians 15:20-26,28 Because Christ has been raised from the dead, all those who have died will also be raised. Gospel Reading Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus teaches that when the Son of Man comes in glory, he will judge the nations, separating the sheep from the goats. Venue : St Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church, Wah Cantt Pakistan Jesus tells the parable of the talents, in which he teaches about the importance of using the gifts that God has given to us in service to the Kingdom of Heaven. ► BROADCASTING by: IT Team, St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Wah Cantt, Pakistan Please follow us on Facebook.   / james.shamaun   ► For Offerings ►► BANK TRANSFERS Bank Name: Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) Branch Address: Rawalpindi Branch Code: 0046 Account number: 0046262441000036 International Bank Account Number: PK18MUCB0046262441000036 Bank Route Code: 0046 Account Title: James Shamaun Beneficiary: St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church, Wah Cantt Beneficiary Address: St # 18, The Mall, Wah Cantt Beneficiary City: Taxila ►► MOBILE PAYMENTS Name : James Shamaun Easy Paisa Account: +923065393243 Jazz Cash Account: +923065393243 Any uploading of our audio/visual content is strongly prohibited and the result will be ending up with a strike, copyright infringement notice & penalties. Subscribe to our channel All copyrights are reserved. #frjamesshamaun #sermon #catholicmass #holymass