Balaam’s talking ass! #god #jesus #bible #faith #biblestudy #numbers #christian #church

Balaam’s talking ass! #god #jesus #bible #faith #biblestudy #numbers #christian #church

The story of Balaam’s talking donkey in Numbers 22 is one of the most unusual and supernatural events in the Bible, but its deeper meaning offers profound spiritual lessons. Balaam, a pagan prophet hired by King Balak to curse Israel, sets out on his journey despite God’s warnings. Along the way, an angel of the Lord blocks his path, but Balaam cannot see it—only his donkey can. After being beaten for stopping, the donkey miraculously speaks, revealing the angel’s presence and saving Balaam’s life. This event showcases God’s sovereignty over all creation, even using an animal to deliver a critical message. It also highlights spiritual blindness, as Balaam, a supposed prophet, is unaware of the divine presence while the lowly donkey perceives it. The story reminds us that God can use anything or anyone to accomplish His purposes and that humility and obedience are key to recognizing His work in our lives. Check out my Supernaturality and the Bible series:    • The Supernatural Scripture Series   All of these videos are done in my free time and out of pocket. If you would like to help cover the costs, any donation would be greatly appreciated. PayPal: Venmo: #balaam #balaamstalkingdonkey #numbers22 #biblestudy #spiritualblindness #godsmiracles #angelofgod #divineintervention #oldtestament #biblicaltruth #christianfaith #godsovercreation #godsmessage #miraclesofthebible #scripturestudy #faithjourney #biblewisdom #supernaturalbible #godsovercome #spiritualinsight #faithandobedience #godsplan #biblicalhistory #holyencounters #divineguidance #understandingthebible #biblicalnarrative #godsoveridols #godsovercomeevil #miraculousencounters #bibletruth #faithandhumility #divinemessages #angelicappearance #faithandtruth #spiritualrevelation #hebrewbible #ancientbeliefs #faithandreason #godsoverdarkness #miraclesexplained #bibleconnections #bibleandfaith #faithinspiritualwarfare #supernaturalevents #faithandhistory #godsprovidence #godsprotection #divineauthority #holyground #biblecontext #ancienttexts #scriptureexplained #faithandunderstanding #miraculoussigns #spiritualmeaning #sacredscripture #ancientfaith #faithbasedunderstanding #godsincontrol #biblemysteries #angelicintervention #spiritualsymbolism #biblicalinterpretation #biblicallessons #godssovereignty #faithoverfear #divinecontrol Balaam, Numbers 22, talking donkey, Bible story, God’s miracles, divine intervention, spiritual blindness, angel of the Lord, Old Testament, faith journey, biblical narrative, God’s plan, miracles of the Bible, faith and obedience, spiritual insight, Christian faith, God’s sovereignty, miraculous signs, angelic appearance, faith and humility, divine guidance, supernatural Bible, sacred scripture, biblical history, spiritual meaning, miraculous encounters, God’s message, ancient texts, biblical interpretation.