Sunday Dec. 10, 2023 - Advent Week 2 - Traveling with the Shepherds
Dr. Stephen Isaac shares profound insights on why God chose to reveal the birth of the Messiah to the shepherds near Bethlehem. Using Luke 2:8-20 as the backdrop, Dr. Isaac identifies who the shepherds were historically and contextually, describes what we know biblically about the shepherds, and ultimately identifies the deep meaning of God's choice, and the choice we have today to worship or reject the Messiah. To download the sermon notes, go to https://thereunionchurch.life/bible-t... The Reunion Church is a non-denominational Christian church located in Phoenix, Arizona. We carry within us a mission for biblically equipping anyone who will come and follow Him. So, we love God, we teach His truth, and we care for one another in fellowship, communion, and prayer. With this hope, together, we have found a better way to live and a better way to love. Learn more about the Reunion Church at www.thereunionchurch.life #bibleteaching #biblestudy #discipleship #theMagi, #theChristmasStory, #Christmas